Rental Screening

One of the most important things you can do in the rental business is to find the right tenant.  Your not going to get it right every time but in most instances if you screen them properly you can lessen the number of headaches you will have in most cases.  There are...

Quick Rehab Tips

We all want to find the perfect house to flip.  What would it look like though?  Would it be a property that needs all new wallboard, a new roof and needs to be reconfigured somewhat by removing walls?  Well possibly yes but all of this requires a large amount of work...

How To – Lease Options

A lease option (more formally Lease With the Option to Purchase) is a type of contract used in both residential and commercial real estate. In a lease-option, a property owner and tenant agree that, at the end of a specified rental period for a given property, the...

Estimating Rehab Costs

The costs for estimating homes for rehabilitation projects can seem like an arduous task. We can always find a reason not to pull the trigger because at the end of the day we can only calculate so much before we have to just seize the opportunity if one truly does...

What Type Of Business Entity Should I Form?

What type of business entity should I form? This is a question that many first time real estate investors don’t answer right away. Why? It’s simply because when you only own one or two properties or for that matter you haven’t purchased one yet you are thinking about...