Mark Rich

Managing Partner

For most of my life I had always wanted to become a professional soccer player. I played on two different national championship colleges but ultimately, I just wasn’t good enough to make it as a professional. My first real job after college was in Mobile, Alabama working for my college girlfriend’s dad on the docks as a shipping agent. 2 years of working 60+ hour weeks and being on-call 24/7 was exhausting and I needed a change. So back to school I went.

Fast forward to January 2010. I was 26 years old and back in my hometown of Rochester, NY after finishing my MBA from the University of Western Sydney in Australia. I hadn’t lived at home since I graduated high school but I was buzzing with energy and supreme over-confidence ready to take the world head on.

The problem was that it was during the great recession and businesses were not really hiring. So I took the first job I could find which was selling life insurance. Let me say that living at home with your parents after you have traveled the world is the fastest way to losing your sanity. Getting up at 6am and driving around in my cheap car trying to sell life insurance in my cheap suit was a soul crushing experience for me. I had become everything I had ever hated and feared. At the time, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do with my life but I knew life insurance wasn’t it. Feeling disheartened and lost, I went to the local Barnes and Noble and came across the book “The Four Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferriss. I almost read the entire book right there on the floor before they had to close! That book changed my entire perspective on life’s possibilities and inspired me to redirect my course into entrepreneurship.

I spent the next year in front of a computer screen learning about all aspects of entrepreneurship and internet marketing. Direct marketing, affiliate marketing, copywriting, SEO, PPC, CPA, mindset, website design, social media marketing, A/B split testing. Down the rabbit hole I went. After about a year of learning, I decided to help local business with their internet marketing as a consultant. Since starting, I have had a wide range of clients, from local dumpster rental companies to Hollywood Film producers to multi-national steel conglomerates. Even though I was making enough money to live, I felt trapped in my business. I was a generalist without a specific niche.

My real estate investing career started in January 2012 when I attended a “Get Motivated” event. They had a bunch of celebrity speakers like Steve Forbes, Colin Powell, Bill Cosby, Terry Bradshaw promoting a free, 3-day training seminar on gaining financial freedom through real estate investing. The seminar was essentially a 3-day pitch for their $20,000 course which they got me to buy. Hook, line and sinker. I was already $30,000 in debt for my MBA course, what was another, $20,000? Using 5 different credit cards, I signed up and they promised me everything. An ongoing mentorship, weekly training, interviews, videos, support staff etc. etc. etc. I was super excited, this program was going to change my life! After a few months however, I find out the company was bankrupt and they shut their doors. Fuck. Luckily, I was able to dispute the credit card transactions and get most of the $20,000 back. I didn’t have a mentorship, videos, or support staff but I did keep most of the books and training materials. Enough to get started at least.

Winston Churchill said that success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. That was certainly my case in real estate investing. My journey was slow and plodding towards success. In my first year of investing, I did one deal. I assigned a subject-to deal to another local investor and made $4,000. 5 years and 4 failed partnerships later, I met my current business partner Gary Miller. In our first year, we did over 50 deals and added 32 houses to our Buy-and-Hold portfolio which brings in over $40,000/month for us and we continue to grow stronger each and every month. is my life’s work.  I have poured my heart and soul into these courses so that other people can improve their own lives faster and avoid the costly mistakes that I have made.  If you have any questions or you would like to reach out for any reason, feel free to call me directly at 585-697-4007.  I look forward to working with you.

Trust Yourself.  Bless The Present. Expect The Best.

– Mark Rich

Gary Miller

Managing Partner

My name is Gary Miller, and I’m excited that you’ve made it here.

I have worked full-time in Real Estate since 2013. I’m a father, a real estate investor and an entrepreneur that has been buying, selling, rehabbing and managing properties for the past few years. During that time I have experienced a diverse group of people who all have different needs of which I needed to satisfy in order to make it all happen.

I’ve participated in over one hundred deals and made hundreds of thousands of dollars doing it. This is made much easier by virtue of the fact that I love what I do. This is absolutely my obsession and passion.

In the time that I have been a Real Estate Investor I was always looking for an easier way to attract motivated sellers. The system that I have developed on this site is the culmination of those efforts and it provides me not only with a lot of money, but time and freedom too!!
Your probably wondering at this point who I am and what prompted me to begin as an investor. I’m going to give you the shortened version here.

In 1995 I graduated from Chautauqua High School near Chautauqua Lake which is in the Southern Tier of New York State for those of you who don’t know. After I graduated, quite literally the day after, I was on a bus for Parris Island Marine Corps Recruit Training Depot. After basic training I finished out my enlistment in the Marine Corps and while doing so attended SUNY Brockport where I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. I then began working as a Police Officer. During that time I also got married to my college sweetheart who turned out to be not quite so sweet, another story in itself. But by 2012 that marriage was coming to an end and my son stayed with his mother while I fought for visitation on top of paying unbelievable amounts of money out to my attorney along with Child Support. I found myself working two additional jobs beyond my full-time job as a Police Officer.

In 2013 I realized that I couldn’t go on doing what I had always done because that equation no longer worked so I began thinking about what I had to offer to others. I had a strong construction background so I decided to pursue Real Estate. At that time I had no knowledge but became addicted to learning more and more about it. Towards the end of 2013 I had purchased my first double and from there I just continued to expand. My second property was a single family that I rehabbed myself and turned over quickly.

So here we are today, I no longer work full-time as a Police Officer and continue to work in Real Estate, now full-time. I love what I do everyday and am able to continue to help people just as I did as a Police Officer. I’m looking forward now to helping others achieve the success I have and create the life of their dreams.

I now have two boys ages 10 years and 16 months. I enjoy spending time with them and I am looking forward in creating a life for them that allows me to be completely involved. This is what real estate investing has given to me aside from money which is time. I look forward to helping you achieve success in your own life.

Seek And Ye Shall Find, Knock And The Door Will Be Opened Unto You.

– Gary Miller